Friday, January 7, 2011

Who doesn't love Border Control?

In Texas there are more Border Control Rangers than Police Officers. So on that note, we are driving and driving it’s around 6am and the sun is still not up... we’re running out of gas so we’re a bit on edge and then we see a bunch of Border Patrol Rangers in big old jeeps hanging out on the side of the road. One of these keeps starts following me….no siren or anything but I still decide to pull over. The man walks to the car…

Ranger Man, “Everything ok?”
Me, “Yes, just weren’t sure if you were pulling us over?”
Ranger Man, “Oh no, I was just going to pass you but now that you are here mind if I check both of your IDs?”
Me, “No, not at all.”  (we hand him our IDs)

The next thing I know three more border patrol jeeps and a cop show up and start shining their flashlights into the car obviously wondering why/how I fit so much crap in my car…or thinking I’m smuggling drugs/people into the country... ya know same thing. Everyone was super nice, and then they checked our names to make sure we were citizens (I'm still not sure how) and then we were on our way…more tired and frustrated but on our way. And we drove and drove through the vast Texas terrain straight through to New Mexico…which didn’t have a welcome sign UGH. 
(I didn't get to take photos of the Border Control Rangers so here are some from the road) 

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